This is Twitch. My human looked at a blog about makin Ewok hats, like from Star Wars and stuff. An then she look at this instructable. And then she spent all kinna time and made me this. She din get no sleep at all last night and she pretty weird.
I likes it. The hat, I mean, not the weird. Okay, I like the weird too. But I love hat. I tooked a long nap wearing it.
Here the links. I don know how to work the stoopy blogger app yet, so links kinna ugly.
This is Mr. Kitten. It's not a hat; it's a bonnet. You look stupid in your bonnet.
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Your Furry Overlords
a blog about cats
I hate my hooman
This is Mr. Kitten.
I hate my hooman.
She brushed my teef.
This is Twitch:
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I hate my hooman.
She brushed my teef.
This is Twitch:
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Happy Monday--Cats with Jobs
Hi eberybody,
To hearten all da humans going back to work today, me and Kitten maded this post about cats with jobs! They has all kinna jobs, from the regular ones to the fancy ones, but Chris say all kinna honest work is good. Chris say she has swept floors at work an she swept em really good, and I say why not for $65 an hour back when she a computer consultant and it was only for like 10 minutes, cause dey wanted to make the server room pretty for visiting execs and Chris try to keep it reals, but sometime no succeed so good cause she always gib that as example of her doing poopy job and so conveniently forget the *years* she work for $6 an hour, haha, now was poopy job, and anyway, she say she respect person with poopy job who does good job more than person with fancy job who do it poopy, and ---Ouch, Kitten, STOP BITING MY TAIL!
And take your run-on sentences with you. I'm Kitten.
Here we have Millie, who is a security guard at a toy warehouse. Her job is to catch mice and stand around having publicity shots taken of her.
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Here is a candid shot of Millie breaking into a box as she prepares to steal and fence what appear to be some ThunderCats toys. I approve.
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This is Larry, who works in the highest echelons of the British government as Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office.
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photo source: wikipedia |
photo source: wikipedia |
I'm not sure how I feel about cats with jobs. On the plus side, it displays the awesomeness of cats in new and different ways. On the minus side, it fosters an unhealthy association between cats and work and thereby upsets the order of the Universe, which declares that humans are meant to serve cats, not the other way around.
Discuss among yourselves.
--Mr. Kitten
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More cats detecting cancer
Hi! I Twitch, here another cat that diagnose cancer an her human's life!!!!1
OMG, she is so beautiful! I'm in lub!!! She was just a little kitten, only 8 weeks old, an she would always lie on her human's right boob. Or was it left? i no can keep left and right straight, but this cat, she kept em straight and she always lie on the one that had cancer!!!!!
And the human was so smart, the human pay attention, and told doctor an her doctor was smart too (Mr. Kitten say, "What are the chances?"), anyway, they both smart and they check it out, and they caughted the cancer! It happen!
Here is picture of human and heroine cat!!!!
I read about all this stuff in the Daily Mail. It's from England. That's in Europe.
Oh yeah, there's this dog, and he can like diagnose colorectal cancel with 98% accuracy. No wonder dogs always sniffing butts. LOL! They're like doctors. Butt sniffing doctors. OMG. I reads about this in NPR.
Huhuh, Mr. Kitten wroted an article about nuther cat who diagnosed cancer, but he all kinda grumpy and stuff. LOLZ. He acts like he no like our human, but he totally CRAZY about our human. He so funny.
We lucky our human no has nuthing wrong with her except sometime she stop breathing when she sleep, but always watch and I halp her twice. First time, I pat her check. Next time I pat all ober her face and use my claws a lil bit. Haha. No, seriously, she need to stop that stoopy stuff. I not fooling around.
Anyway. Now she use CPAP and wear dis thing and she no stop breathing no more. Mr Kitten call her stoopy for going sleep without her CPAP those two time and he kinda right, but we loves her anyway. I just gotta be careful to watch her. Is okay, I not that busy.
EDIT: Oh, check it out. Here a 17 year old girl who maded some kinda neural network that can like diagnose breast cancer 99.1% of time. Wow. The colorectal dog, Dr. Butt Doctor, he only 98%. Wow. She kinda smart. She did it for the Google science fair. Here link.
Here her picture.
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photo: Daily Mail UK |
OMG, she is so beautiful! I'm in lub!!! She was just a little kitten, only 8 weeks old, an she would always lie on her human's right boob. Or was it left? i no can keep left and right straight, but this cat, she kept em straight and she always lie on the one that had cancer!!!!!
And the human was so smart, the human pay attention, and told doctor an her doctor was smart too (Mr. Kitten say, "What are the chances?"), anyway, they both smart and they check it out, and they caughted the cancer! It happen!
Here is picture of human and heroine cat!!!!
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Photo: Daily Mail UK |
I read about all this stuff in the Daily Mail. It's from England. That's in Europe.
Oh yeah, there's this dog, and he can like diagnose colorectal cancel with 98% accuracy. No wonder dogs always sniffing butts. LOL! They're like doctors. Butt sniffing doctors. OMG. I reads about this in NPR.
Huhuh, Mr. Kitten wroted an article about nuther cat who diagnosed cancer, but he all kinda grumpy and stuff. LOLZ. He acts like he no like our human, but he totally CRAZY about our human. He so funny.
We lucky our human no has nuthing wrong with her except sometime she stop breathing when she sleep, but always watch and I halp her twice. First time, I pat her check. Next time I pat all ober her face and use my claws a lil bit. Haha. No, seriously, she need to stop that stoopy stuff. I not fooling around.
Anyway. Now she use CPAP and wear dis thing and she no stop breathing no more. Mr Kitten call her stoopy for going sleep without her CPAP those two time and he kinda right, but we loves her anyway. I just gotta be careful to watch her. Is okay, I not that busy.
EDIT: Oh, check it out. Here a 17 year old girl who maded some kinda neural network that can like diagnose breast cancer 99.1% of time. Wow. The colorectal dog, Dr. Butt Doctor, he only 98%. Wow. She kinda smart. She did it for the Google science fair. Here link.
Here her picture.
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photo: MSN |
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Essay by Mr. Kitten: Cats diagnose cancer
Cats were put into the world to disprove the dogma that all things were created to serve man.--Paul Gray
On the Affection vs. the Utility of a Cat
posted by Mr. Kitten
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This cat diagnosed lung cancer photo: Mike Drew, Sun Media |
Unlike Twitch, I no need show affections alla time. In fact, I don't has too much to do with our human. Usually, I just stare at her, judging her and finding her wanting. The only time I really need to be petted is when she is doing something that needs lotta concentration. Then I really, really, really need to be petted right now! OMG.
Now I tells you about Tiger, another rather undemonstrative cat. He didn't pay too much attention to his human. Here a quote:
"He's never had that much to do with me except to come over for a pet."
So he no pay much attention...except when human got lung cancer! Then Tiger rub along the human's side so much that human, Lional Adams, told his doctor. The doctor, showing uncommon sense, ordered tests and they found Lional's lung cancer. Here's a news story about dis hero cat.
Good doctor.
Anyway, as my human often says, "The purpose of a cat is to demonstrate that not all good things have a purpose."
However, this story shows that just because a cat isn't affectionate, doesn't mean he won't save your life someday.
Here's a post about cats with jobs.
Here's some nice quotes about cats.
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Zen Moment: Cleaning the Self-Cleaning Litterbox
I Cleaned the Cats' Self-Cleaning Litterbox
by Chris Hugh
...and I grew in wisdom. Here is what I learned:
1) It's best to just take off all your clothes if you're going to do this nasty job.
2) When the CatGenie manual says you should take the horrid bowl outside to hose it down, they speak with wisdom.
3) Sometimes life is a paradox. See #1 and #2
4) You know the expression "they think they're so great, their shit doesn't stink"? "They" are not cats.
5) Cleaning the CatGenie with a bunch of paper towels inside the bathroom isn't such a great idea.
6) Trying to flush the paper towels down the toilet is a worse idea.
7) Plunging the toilet naked and one-handed while holding a soggy bowl of plastic cat litter is even less fun than it sounds.
8) Mr. Kitten has been eating rubber bands.
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I love this thing, but not right now. Photo credit: Amazon |
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Special Rules for cats because cats rule!
Hi, this Twitch. My human went hiking in Palo Alto foothills. S
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he an Rupert Hugh dribe and dribe and dribe and it all twisty and stuff and she say she almost throw up. LOL. Hairballs rule! She seem human, but she a cat. That why I like her so much.
Anyway, she tooked some pictures for me and show them to me, here is one:
That's right. No goggies! Not only that, but cats are pacifically allowed. There even special rules on how you supposed to act around cats and it draw pictures too in case you no read as good as me.
I makes it bigger and add my own stuffs to it. Here what you supposed to do. If you encounters a mountain pussy cat, you sposed to:
Haha, cats rule.
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